Looking for pets for adoption in Albuquerque, New Mexico and area? Our Albuquerque pet adoption listings can help you find the perfect four-legged companion. We profile preloved dogs and cats, puppies and kittens being placed for adoption by owners who can no longer care for them.
Adopt a dog or cat, puppy or kitten in Albuquerque. Albuquerque Pet Rehoming Network helps keep beloved family pets out of shelters, and provides adopters with wonderful companions.
Need to Rehome a Pet in Albuquerque?
At Albuquerque Pet Adoptions Network, we know just how difficult and stressful rehoming a pet can be. Our team of compassionate, empathetic pet rehoming counselors will help you find exactly the type of home you envision for your pet.
Our safe and very effective pet rehoming process has found so many wonderful forever homes for our client’s pets. Check out our online testimonials to find out what clients have to say about our pet rehoming program in Albuquerque and the surrounding areas.
Contact Debbie Moore, our pet rehoming coordinator for safe, effective and affordable help in rehoming your dog or cat in Albuquerque and area.
Questions about our Albuquerque Pet Rehoming Services? Click Here!
Pets For Adoption By Owner in Albuquerque
Dogs For Adoption in Albuquerque – Cats For Adoption in Albuquerque – Puppies For Adoption in Albuquerque – Kittens For Adoption in Albuquerque