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Safe, Effective, & Private Cat Rehoming Services For Caring Cat Owners

Need to rehome a cat? Pet Rehoming Network’s cat rehoming team will find a very good home for your cherished companion safely, effectively, and with much less stress than alternative methods of cat rehoming.

Our dedicated cat rehoming team members locate and carefully screen potential homes for your kitty, guide you through our process for gently transitioning your pet into their new home, and provide follow up services with the new owner, to ensure your cat’s future well-being and your peace of mind.

Questions about rehoming a cat through Pet Rehoming Network?

Contact our pet rehoming coordinator here to set up a convenient time for a phone call with our Intake Counselor.

 Reasons for Rehoming a Cat | Why Choose Us | Cat Rehoming Services | Contact Us

Rehome a cat in san antonio

Reasons For Rehoming A Cat

No cat owner wants to be in the difficult situation of having to rehome a cat. Your cat means the world to you, and there is nothing you would want more than to keep your cat for life.

But life can be very uncooperative. The best laid plans for cat ownership can be interrupted by illness, financial difficulties, increased job demands requiring travel, a move, landlord restrictions, allergies, disability, pregnancy and raising young children and a myriad other situations.

There are so many understandable reasons for rehoming your cat, and even though you have little choice in the matter, it is common for most owners to feel a great deal of sadness and guilt.

Cat re-homing can be necessary, and this very emotional choice carries with it a lot of responsibility for finding a good home for your cat.

We Can Help Replace Your Heartache With Hope

A cute orange tabby kitten sits in a kennel at an animal shelter. For most cat owners, leaving your cherished companion at an animal shelter is NOT an OPTION.

The stress, uncertainty and sadness that both you and your cat would face through such an action is more that either of you could ever bear.

But finding a good home for your cat on your own is not an easy task. There are many dangers that lie in wait for well-meaning cat owners looking to give away a cat.

We’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say, extreme care must be taken in making sure that your cat is placed in the very best home.

Our pet rehoming service can be the best solution. As a responsible cat owner, you want to find the perfect new home for your family member.

You want a home with people who understand your kitty and are committed to providing a safe, loving environment where kitty’s needs for care, companionship, nutrition, play and health care are more than met. You want people who will love your cat as much – or even more – than you do.

And that’s where our cat rehoming team steps in! Learn all about our safe and effective rehoming process below, and when you are ready to speak with us, just  complete our quick questions form. (A member of our team will get back to you within 24 hours)

Man cuddles grey tabby kitten on his shoulder

Let Us Rehome Your Cat Safely

Since November 2015, our rehoming team has been finding fantastic homes for pre-loved cats.

We have more than 50 years’ worth of combined experience in cat adoptions, working throughout the USA and Canada helping cat owners in need to locate a new home for their fluffy family member.

We have brought about so many happy endings for cats and their owners. We have replaced uncertainty with peace of mind, and heartache with happiness.

Many cat owners have trusted us to rehome a cat in their time of need, and our team of cat-loving online marketing professionals have always risen to the challenge.

Our Cat Rehoming Team Offers:

  • A talented writer will create a very compelling and honest adoption story to entice potential adoptive families, while making sure they are aware of any health or behavior issues your cat may have.This story is carefully optimized for SEO, ensuring it reaches the right cat lovers in your area.


  • Post your cats’ story to numerous pet adoption classified services on your behalf, with calls and email inquiries sent to our staff to screen and respond to.You get to enjoy your cat while we do the work in dealing with all those calls, texts and emails – some of which can be very upsetting to you.


  • Social Media Campaign. We initiate a sharing campaign on Facebook and other social media websites asking cat lovers in your area to spread the word about your cats’ need for a new home.This modern approach to cat rehoming has proven very successful when done properly. This outreach allows us to rehome a cat quickly in most cases.


  • Local outreach. We will contact local pet related services and ask for their help in spreading the word. This includes veterinary clinics, cat sitters, pet supplies stores – all of whom interact with potential adoptive families on a daily basis.

Cat rehoming

  • Screen potential adopters via our detailed Adoption Applications System. When a potential adoptive family reaches out to us, we ask that they submit an adoption offer via our applications system.On our adoption application form, they are asked to provide detailed information on why they would be a good choice for your cats’ new family. Once received, we review their information before sending it to you via email.


  • Check references and do a criminal background check. Should you, after speaking with a potential adoptive family by phone, that you would like to proceed with a meeting, we will interview their references and perform a criminal background check.We will also check through their social media accounts for any red flags. This helps to ensure your safety, security and confidentiality.
  • Adoption Agreement. Once you have decided to place your cat with a chosen family, we provide you with a legally binding adoption agreement that both you and the adopters sign.This helps to ensure your cats’ future well-being, and prevents your cat from being surrendered to a shelter or rescue without your consent.


  • After care. We are here for you after you place your cat in their new home. Most cat owners find rehoming a cat to be a highly emotional event. It is not uncommon to go through feelings of guilt, loss and mourning.Our compassionate staff are here for you. We have so much empathy for everyone facing the choice to rehome a cat and provide you with unlimited phone support.


  • Follow up. We will follow up with the new owner for up to a year to make sure that things are going smoothly, answer any questions, and offer helpful advice if your cat is experiencing any issues with the transition.In the unlikely event that the adoption falls through after your cat has been placed, we will work to find another suitable home for your cat at no additional cost to you.

Contact Our Cat Rehoming Team

If you are ready to place a request to rehome a cat, please fill out our rehoming intake form here. We look forward to offering our help and support to you.

Cat Rehoming Services Throughout the USA and Canada

Our cat rehoming team can help you rehome your cat no matter where in the USA and Canada you live. We have successfully rehomed cats and kittens in all states and provinces.

Thank you for your interest in our cat rehoming services.  We look forward to helping you rehome a cat or kitten soon.

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