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Pet Rehoming FAQ

Understandably, our clients have many questions about our pet rehoming service. Our team are always happy to address your concerns and provide you with the information you need to feel confident and at ease with your decision to rehome your pet through Pet Rehoming Network.

There are some questions that we are very often asked. We have included these questions, along with detailed explanations in this FAQ section for your convenience. Always feel free to call us to inquire about any aspect of what we do, and how we can help you find that perfect forever home for your dog, cat or other pet.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We are happy to be of help.

How Long Does It Take to Find a Home For My Pet?

Every situation is different, just as every pet is different. We have found homes for some pets within just a few days, while for others, finding that perfect forever home can take a few months. There are many things that play a part in how quickly a home can be found for your pet; the time of year, your pet’s type, breed, age and health/behavior, your location, and fate.

Rest assured, our dedicated pet rehoming team will work hard to attract the right family, couple or person for your pet. Our goal is always to find the BEST home for your pet. This can take time and great care in screening and selecting the best match for you and your pet. Sometimes, after a reasonable period of advertising has gone by, it’s necessary to expand our reach to other locations or adjust your pet’s profile. We work with you as a team, and between us try everything we can to attract a good home for you pet.

If you have a deadline such as a move – or if finding your pet a new home is a highly urgent situation, we will do our best to accommodate you, but cannot guarantee that a home will be located within your time frame.

If needed, we can help you find a temporary foster home or boarding for your pet until a permanent home is located and secured.

How Much Does Rehoming My Pet Cost?

Pet Rehoming Network offers a range of rehoming services packages starting at just 49.95 per pet for our QUICKSTART Pet Rehoming Package and ranging up to 249.95 for our Premium pet rehoming package.

This is a one-time fee, and covers our costs in creating and promoting your pet’s rehoming story throughout a wide variety of media.

It also covers our costs for staff, phone services, Internet services, software, online video creation and multimedia creation programs and paid advertising services on Social Media and search engines.

We provide you with an electronic adoption agreement drawn up specifically for you and your pet, and with careful follow-up for many months after your pet is adopted.

We make every effort to match you and your pet with the most suitable home, and most of our adoptions are very successful.

What Is Your Refund Policy?

Refunds requested within 1 business day of placing your order will be refunded, less a $25 administration fee.

Once the work on your pet’s rehoming project is underway, we are not able to provide refunds. This is because of the great deal of expense, time, and effort that is put in by our team for each pet that we rehome.

Pet Rehoming Network will work diligently for as long as it takes to find a good home for each and every pet placed with our service. The majority of pets find great homes within a 2 week to 6 week time frame.

For other pets, finding the right home can take longer. There is no limit on the time we will continue to promote your pet. We are with you and your pet, and will continue to look for the right home for as long as it takes.

Throughout the time during which a pet is being rehomed, our staff are working constantly, placing and renewing ads and social media posts, with newly written copy, responding to email inquiries, taking and placing phone calls, answering texts and coming up with creative new ways to help your pet attract the right people.

In many cases, more than 30 hours of work go into a pet rehoming project, in addition to the ongoing costs of paid advertising, paid social media campaigns and long distance telephone calls.

Once potential adopters are located, we pay to have background checks performed, and for our staff to do referece checks to ensure that meeting with a prospective owner is safe for you and your pet.

We also provide a personalized electronic Adoption Agreement for the new owners to sign with you, which transfers ownership of your pet, and protects your pets future welfare.

Our $150 Standard rehoming services fee is very little when you consider all that we do and the expenses we incur in doing so. For these reasons, we cannot and do not offer refunds.

If you have found an adopter on your own through friends, family or co-workers, we will still provide you with careful screening and our solid adoption agreement. In the event that this placement does not work out (as happens with many family/friends placements), our staff will once again rehome your pet at no additional cost to you.

If you feel that you should be entitled to a refund, despite the great deal of work our team has done on your pets behalf, please do not use our service. Rehoming services fees are for the work and expense involved in finding your pet a good home – not the end result. You have our guarantee that we will put our very best efforts into helping you for as long as it takes to find your pet that perfect forever home.

What Are Adoption Processing Fees?

When your pet is placed with their new owner, Pet Rehoming Network charges the new owner an adoption/rehoming fee. This amount allows our staff to provide a full year of follow-up services for you and your pet, and to rehome them again if, for any reason, the adoption does not work out.

Our staff will remain in contact with your pet’s new owner for up to a year after the adoption is finalized to ensure that all is going well, that your pet is being well taken care of, and that your pet is still with the owners. This follow up is very important to us, and, of course, to the owners who entrust their pets’ welfare to our organization.

What is Your Rehoming Guarantee?

In the event that the new owners are unable to fulfill their commitment to your pet,

Pet Rehoming Network will renew our efforts and look for another suitable home at no cost to the new owners or to you. The rehoming/adoption fees are used for this purpose, and also to allow us to be able to provide services for pet owners in dire financial circumstances.


Can I Rehome 2 Pets Together?

You can most definitely rehome 2 pets together! We have facilitated many bonded pet placements.

However, before you decide that your pets need to be rehomed as a set, make sure this is absolutely necessary, and that your pets would suffer emotional stress being separated.

Placing bonded pet together generally is more difficult and takes longer. Very often pets thrive on their own in their new homes, provided the new owners are the right fit, and able to provide the environment, care and companionship your pet needs.

Where Are You Located?

Pet Rehoming Network is a completely virtual pet rehoming agency based in Canada, offering pet rehoming services to owners throughout North America. The manner in which our services are provided make it unnecessary for us to be physically located near each pet.

My Pet Needs To Find A New Home In The Next Few Days, Can You Help?

Generally, rehoming a pet takes time and effort. If you know you are going to need to find a good home for your pet, the more notice you can give us, the better.

We have been able to find homes for pets within days, but much of this depends on your pet’s characteristics – and your location. It is rare that we are able to successfully and carefully rehome a pet within a very tight deadline.

When your situation is urgent and your pet needs to be housed immediately, we will do our best to accommodate you. However finding and screening the right home for your pet is not something that should be done in haste.

It is usually very difficult to locate a good home for your pet that quickly. If you know that you will be needing to rehome your pet, please provide as much lead time as possible.

Please don’t wait until 2 weeks before your deadline, hoping that a friend, co-worker or family member will take your pet – it usually doesn’t happen.

Where Does My Pet Stay During Rehoming?

Your pet will stay with you until a new home is found.

There is nothing more stressful for a pet than to be placed in a shelter, and leaving your pet with a shelter is also incredibly upsetting for most pet owners.

Dogs and cats are very territorial animals. They sense the fear, tension and anxiety of other animals, and they can experience a great deal of stress in a shelter environment.

Not only that, they miss you terribly. Imagine what your devoted cat or dog would go through being abandoned by you in a shelter!

Staying with you and receiving your love and attention while a new home is located is the very best scenario for pet and owner.

When you are dealing with severe allergies or another situation that make it necessary to house your pet elsewhere, it is best to seek out a friend or family member to temporarily care for your pet.

Another option is to confine your pet in a separate area of your home until we can locate their forever home.

If this is not possible, we can try to locate a foster family for your pet near you. We ask that you offer the foster family a $100 monthly gratuity, and provide food, supplies and vet care until your pet finds a permanent home.

There is also an additional $50 fee for the extra work in locating a foster home for your pet.

What If My Pet’s Adoption Doesn’t Work Out?

We do our very best to ensure that each pet is placed with new owners who are well-suited and well aware of your pet’s pros and cons. Once in a while, an adoption does not work out.

The Adoption Processing Fee that is charged to the adoptive owner when your pet is adopted allows our staff to follow up regularly with the new owners. It also allows us to rehome your pet again, should the new owners be unable to fulfill their commitment.

There is no additional cost to you, since we use your pet’s adoption processing fees to cover our costs.

The new owners are expected to keep your pet safe, happy and healthy until another home is decided upon. You are, of course, welcome to ask that your pet be returned to you while we search for another home.

I can’t afford to pay for the service. Will you still help me?

Our staff do our best to help pet owners and pets in need. If you are facing financial difficulty and need assistance rehoming a pet, we can provide basic services for a smaller fee.

Please contact us and let us know your situation. We’ll be happy to speak with you and discuss options available to you.

Do You Accept Donations?

Absolutely! We are often contacted by those who have found an abandoned pet, and by pet owners faced with dire financial circumstances who would otherwise have no choice but to place their pet in a shelter.

Donations to our service allow our team to provide services free of charge in these circumstances. We greatly appreciate any amount you may be able to give.

You can make a donation to Pet Rehoming Network here

Is a Home Inspection Done On My Pets’ New Home?

Yes! The home inspection is done by the person most qualified to determine that it is a safe, happy and healthy home for your pet – you!

We carefully guide our pet owners through the process of doing a home inspection when their pet is transitioned into it’s new home.

We highly recommend that owners deliver their pets to the approved applicant and stay an hour or two to help their pet adjust to their new surroundings and home.

Do You Rehome Pets With Health or Behavior Problems?

We will do our very best to find a good home for every pet. Some pets with health or behavior issues can present a real challenge, but we can often find these pets homes with time, creativity and patience.

In many cases, a pet’s issues can be a “non-issue” in a suitable new home.

It is very important that you be completely honest with us about your pet when you place your rehoming request.

If your pet is not house broken, we need to know about it. If your pet is aggressive to other animals or children, we need to know about it.

If your pet has a health issue that is going to be costly for the prospective owners, we really need to know about it.

In these situations, we usually suggest that you set up a veterinary fund for your pet to take care of their extra expenses for the new owners. This can make people much more willing to adopt a dog or cat with a health problem.

Many behavior issues can be helped or eliminated by placing your pet in a home where these issues will not be present. Removing the triggers can eliminate the problem. For example, a dog with severe separation anxiety can be placed in a home with people who do not work such as retirees.

Cats that have litter box issues can be placed in a quiet, pet and kid-free home which can often solve the litterbox problems, which are often caused by anxiety and territorial behavior.

Never withhold important information about your pet. We need to know all their good qualities – and any problems – so that we can make sure they are placed in the most suitable home and have the best chance of staying there forever.

Do You Rehome Senior Pets?

Absolutely. We have rehomed many senior dogs and cats. Many pet owners love seniors. This is particularly true when the pet owners are seniors themselves. Taking on the responsibilities of a young pet (which may live 20 years or more) is not always an option for people who are in their senior years themselves.

Not only that, younger pets require a lot more exercise and care than most senior dogs and cats.

Most rescues and shelters will not accept senior pets, and you may have been told that they are “unadoptable” by these organizations. We have proven this to be false, and will be happy to help you find a very good home for your older dog or cat.

Do You Allow Senior Citizens to Adopt Your Pets?

Yes, we sure do!  If the pet’s owner is in agreement, we are happy to place their pet in a senior’s home.

Often a home with a senior is the perfect setting for pets that need lots of human companionship, or a quiet home with a strong routine.

As long as the senior has family that will be willing to take on the responsibility of ownership if circumstances in the seniors life should change, we are happy to facilitate these adoptions.

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