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Cute Cavalier mix dog running to owner with toy in mouth

Training your dog to come when called is an important skill that can keep them safe in a variety of situations. Whether you want your dog to come back to you at the park or avoid running into the street, teaching your dog to come when called can help prevent accidents and keep them out of danger. Here are some tips on how to train your dog to come when called:

  1. Start in a quiet and familiar environment Start training in a quiet and familiar environment, such as your backyard or inside your home. This will minimize distractions and allow your dog to focus on the training.
  2. Use a positive tone and reinforcement Use a positive and upbeat tone when calling your dog. Reward them with praise, treats, or playtime when they come to you. This will make them associate coming when called with positive experiences.
  3. Use a consistent command Use a consistent command, such as “come” or “here”. Make sure to use the same command every time you call your dog, so they learn to associate the word with the action.
  4. Gradually increase the level of distraction As your dog gets better at responding to the command, gradually increase the level of distraction. Start by adding low-level distractions, such as toys or treats, and work your way up to more challenging situations, such as other dogs or people.
  5. Practice frequently Practice frequently to reinforce the behavior. Aim to practice at least once a day, and gradually increase the duration and distance of the training.
  6. Use a long-line or leash for safety For safety purposes, use a long-line or leash when practicing in an open environment. This will prevent your dog from running off and getting into danger.

In conclusion, training your dog to come when called is an essential skill that can keep them safe and out of danger. By starting in a quiet and familiar environment, using a positive tone and reinforcement, using a consistent command, gradually increasing the level of distraction, practicing frequently, and using a long-line or leash for safety, you can train your dog to come when called. With patience, consistency, and practice, your dog will learn this essential skill and become a well-trained companion.

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