Lab and Pitbull Mix for Adoption in Rio Rancho, NM
Looking for a Lab and Pitbull Mix Dog to adopt in Rio Rancho, NM? Just 9 years old and weighing 70 lbs, Indy is a true snuggle bug who has lots of love to give. Indy has been fixed, fully vaccinated, housebroken, leash trained, and crate-trained, and is good with older children, new people, and dog-friendly dogs. Indy loves being near his humans who call him their shadow. He is eagerly awaiting his furever home in which he can live his best doggie life!
Indy’s owners are very sad to have to rehome their cherished dog. They are hoping to find a new home for Indy where this special dog will be cherished and kept safe, happy, and healthy for life.
If you have room in your heart and home for Indy, please complete our online meeting request form. Once received, our Rio Rancho Dog Rehoming team will make arrangements for you to meet Indy and his owners. Adopt Indy today!
There is a $150.00 adoption processing fee. Supplies, accessories, and veterinary records will be included.

How To Adopt Indy
If you are interested in adopting this special Lab and Pitbull Mix in Rio Rancho NM, please fill out our online meeting request below. Once received and reviewed, our staff will ask the pets owner to reach out to you and arrange a meeting.
Request to Meet Indy – Click Here!
Questions about adopting Indy?
Text Indy87144 to (888) 833-2128. We look forward to hearing from you!

All About Indy – Lab and Pitbull Mix For Adoption in Rio Rancho NM
♥ Name of Pet: Indy
♥ Location: Rio Rancho, NM, 87144
♥ Type of Pet: Dog
♥ Breed of Pet: Lab and Pitbull Mix
♥ Color / Coat Type: Black short hair
♥ Age of Pet: 9
♥ Size of Pet: 70 lbs
♥ Health Problems: No
♥ Behavior Issues: Doesn’t so well with small children. When we first adopted Indy we didn’t have any children. Now we have two young kids and he has not handled the transition well. He often gets jealous and needs to stay in a separate space of the house. He has never hurt anyone, but growls. He does very well with older kids and adults.
♥ Gets along with: Older children, new people, dogs
♥ Pet is: Fixed, fully vaccinated, housebroken, leash trained, crate-trained
♥ Food: Hills Science Diet
We feed him 1 cup of food twice a day.

Indy – Lab and Pitbull Mix For Adoption in Rio Rancho NM
Indy’s Personality
He is a very loving dog. He likes to cuddle and is very much a “people” dog. We often call him our shadow because he follows us from room to room and always is near. He currently lives with another dog and likes to play with her, but has shown food aggression. For this reason they are fed separately. Other than that he enjoys playing with her and being in the same space. He is very food motivated. He enjoys treats and will perform a few commands such as “sit” and “down” for a treat. Indy also enjoys going on walks. Young children seem to really stress him out. He has tolerated them in most situations, but will occasionally become jealous if they take attention away from him.
Why is Indy Being Rehomed?
We are concerned with Indy’s behavior with our two young children (mostly the 2 year old). He often acts stressed when they are in the same space and has growled several times. Although he has not done anything, we are worried it is leading to that. We also feel terrible that he stays in a room or in our yard instead of being a part of the family. He deserves a good home and to be able to roam his home freely. This has been very challenging for us to navigate as we love him so much, but ultimately we know our children’s safety comes first and Indy deserves a better quality of life.
We have tried medication and training prior to coming to this decision. We love Indy so much and finding a family that loves him just as much is very important to us.

Nearby Locations
Indy is located in Rio Rancho, NM, close to the following towns and cities:
Corrales NM,
North Valley NM,
Los Ranchos de Albequerque NM,
Bernalillo NM,
Albequerque NM,
South Valley NM,
Los Lunas NM,
Belen NM,
Los Alamos NM,
Santa Fe NM,
Espanola NM,
Grants NM,
Socorro NM,
Las Vegas NM,
Taos NM.
Thank you for your interest in this deserving Lab and Pitbull Mix for Adoption in NM.