Duke is a Male XXL English American Bulldog mix dog for adoption to a very loving home in or near Edmonton, Alberta.
This adorable dog is about the most loveable lug you will find. He is so sweet, almost bashful, and absolutely loves children. He is good with people of all ages and sizes, and gets along well with cats. He would be fine with dog-friendly dogs, although he might be a bit timid on first meeting a canine friend.
Duke is what we consider to be a “ready to love” dog. At just 1 year old and weighing around 90 pounds, Duke is a healthy, well-behaved, housebroken and kid and cat-friendly dog. He will need to be neutered by his new owners, but will come equipped with some supplies and accessories, most notable: an “Elsa Doll” that he cherishes after “borrowing” it from his favourite little girl.
Adopt this extremely affectionate and friendly XXL Bully in Edmonton today!
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