Check out our listings of Orange Tabby Cats for Adoption.
Adopt a Cat or Kitten Near You
Want to adopt a cat? Have you been looking for cats for adoption near you? Pet Rehoming Network is a service dedicated to finding good homes for precious pre-loved cats and kittens when their owners can no longer care for them. Pet Adoptions Network is one of the best resources from which to adopt a cat available.
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Unlike cat rescues and shelters, the felines listed for adoption on our website are kept happy and healthy by their owners until a good home can be found for them. These pets are then transitioned directly from owner to owner, making the process as stress free as possible for the cats and their owners.
When you adopt a preloved cat or kitten through our website, you get to learn all about your new companion from the people who know the pet best. Most of the adoptable cats on our website are up to date on shots, fixed, healthy, well behaved and come with all supplies and vet records. We call them “ready to love”.
We help to keep family companions out of shelters and rescues, allowing these important organizations to help abused, abandoned and neglected cats and kittens find homes.
Adopt a cat from Pet Rehoming Network today!
Need to Rehome a Cat or Kitten?
Our cat rehoming team can help you find the perfect home for your cherished companion safely and effectively. We understand just how difficult it is to face having to rehome your cherished cat.
Unfortunately, life sometimes makes decisions for us. We offer the safest way to find your cat the very best home. Whether you’re thinking of rehoming your cat due to allergies, you have a kitty with a strong dislike for your new baby or small child, or are struggling with a cat that’s brutalizing it’s feline siblings without a reason or solution, sometimes rehoming your cat is the best course of action.
Our Meticulous Cat Rehoming Process
Our unique owner-to-owner cat adoption process puts your cat’s future well-being and your peace of mind first and foremost. We will help you determine the type of home in which your cat will do best. We will then set up effective advertising targeting the right potential owner in your immediate area (within a 50 mile radius of you).
Once we hear from someone interested in providing your cat with a home, we use a careful screening process to confirm the identity, residence and history of each applicant before sending you their application.
There is no limit on the number of applicants we will send your way, nor the amount of time we will devote to rehoming your cat. We want you to feel 100% confident that you are making the right choice in your cat’s new owners. The successful applicants will sign our adoption agreement,
Follow-up is very important to your cat’s well-being. We reach out ttoo the new owners for the next six months to make sure all is well. If, for any reason, things do not work out, we will find your cat another home while he or she stays with the new owners.
Questions and Answers About Pet Rehoming Network’s Private Home to Home Cat Adoption Services
Pet Rehoming Network’s Private Home to Home Cat Adoption Services is dedicated to providing solutions for cat owners seeking to rehome their pets. We help to facilitate a direct adoption process between current pet owners and prospective adopters, minimizing stress for the cat, and providing each owner with peace of mind, knowing they have done rehoming the right way.
Below, we address various questions and provide answers regarding our rehoming process, required fees, and the support provided throughout each rehoming process. This includes comprehensive pet adoption services like expert cat rehoming advice, effective adoption marketing, screening of potential adopters, and post-adoption follow-up.
Our mission is to ensure a safe, seamless, and loving transition for the cat from its current home to its new one.
Q: What is Pet Private Home to Home Cat Adoptions Program?
A: The Private Home to Home Cat Adoptions Program is a specialized initiative that facilitates the direct rehoming of cats from their current owners to prospective new owners. This program aims to reduce the stress and trauma associated with traditional shelter environments by enabling a smoother transition for the cat.
It allows cat owners who can no longer care for their pets, for various reasons, to directly connect with individuals or families wishing to adopt a cat. This setup not only provides a more personal adoption process but also helps free up space in already overwhelmed animal shelters.
Q: How does Pet Rehoming Network’s Private Home to Home Cat Adoptions Program work?
A: Pet Rehoming Network’s Private Home to Home Cat Adoptions Program is a unique service that facilitates the seamless adoption of cats directly from one private home to another. The process begins with the pet owner providing detailed information about their cat, including its health, behavior, and personality traits.
The Pet Rehoming Network then uses this information to create a compelling adoption story to attract potential adopters. The rehoming team then diligently screens all potential adopters to ensure they are a good fit and capable of providing a loving, safe, and stable home for the cat.
Once a suitable adopter is identified, they facilitate a meet-and-greet session and if all goes well, finalize the adoption. Their aim is to minimize stress for the cat and it’s owned, providing an unparalleled level of support to both adopter and owner, and to make the transition as smooth as possible for everyone (particularly the furry, whiskered one !)
Q: Are there any fees involved in adopting a cat through this program?
A: We charge a nominal fee of just $40.00, unless the cat is a very sought-after, expensive breed (in which case the fees are higher to reduce any chances of the cat being “resold” for a profit by unscrupulous people.) Most cats come with any supplies and accessories the owner has on hand, which makes private cat adoption very beneficial.
Q: How do you ensure the cats are healthy before adoption?
A: Our privately owned cats come with veterinary records, providing the new owners with detailed information about their prospective cat’s health history. In addition, most of the cats being rehomed have been recently vaccinated and vet checked. In contrast, cats that were strays or surrendered under questionable circumstances can have a mystery health history, making tests and screening necessary.
Adopt a Cat or Kitten From Pet Rehoming Network