Himalayan Cat Rehoming and Adoption
Do you need to rehome a Himalayan cat or kitten? Are you thinking about adopting a Himalayan? Cat Rehoming Network is dedicated to finding good homes for pre-loved cats, and finding great cats for very good homes.
Contact us today at (888) 720-3322 for friendly, empathetic help.
Himalayan Cats For Adoption – Himalayan Rehoming Services – About Himalayan Cats
Himalayan Cats For Adoption USA and Canada
Adopt a Himalayan Cat – Get on Our Waiting List
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Himalayan Cat Rehoming Services
Are you in the difficult situation of having to rehome a Himalayan cat or kitten? We can help! Our cat rehoming team are experts in finding good homes for pre-loved cats and kittens. We can find your Himalayan a very loving forever home safely and effectively through our proven pet rehoming process. Feel free to contact our cat rehoming team with any questions. Ready to rehome your Himalayan cat? Request cat rehoming services here!Himalayan Cats For Adoption – Himalayan Rehoming Services – About Himalayan Cats
All About Himalayan Cats and Kittens
Some 50 years ago, cat fanciers decided to try to create a cat of Himalayan coat and type but with the colour pattern of the Siamese. In North America the resulting cats were called Himalayans, while in Europe they were classified as Colourpoint Long-hairs. The ideal ‘Himalayan’ cat is identical to all other Himalayan cats in type, the standard being the same except for the colour. The eyes are as deep blue as possible. Recognized point colours include seal (dark bitter chocolate), chocolate (milk chocolate), blue, lilac, red (or flame), cream, tortie, blue-cream, seal lynx (tabby) and blue lynx. Some registering associations regard the Himalayan as a separate breed. The largest group, the Cat Fanciers Association, decided some years ago to register these cats as Persian-Himalayans, a division of the Persian cat breed. The breed’s gentle, entertaining disposition makes it a popular pet. Source: Cat Breeds A to ZAdditional Himalayan Cat Breed Resources
Adopt or rehome a Himalayan cat or kitten. Pet Rehoming Network finds good homes for pre-loved cats, and great cats for loving homes. Contact our pet rehoming team for more information.
Himalayan Cats For Adoption – Himalayan Rehoming Services – About Himalayan Cats